Professional Builders:

  • Are you a professional Home Builder?
  • Would you like to become a Ralph Jones Home Plans “Pro-Builder”?
  • Do you like DISCOUNTS?

All licensed builders receive discounts on repeat purchases of the same plan (25% on 2nd and subsequent uses), but wouldn’t you like to get 50% off?

Benefits of Being a Professional Builder:

  • All builders receive a 25% discount on the 2nd and subsequent uses of any particular plan, however, Pro-Builders will receive a 50% discount on REPEAT PURCHASES (the SECOND USE and all subsequent uses) of any given plan.
  • Pro-Builders also receive $10 per set discount on Blueprints
  • Pro-Builders also receive FREE plot plans
  • Pro-Builders receive $25 off PDF BID SETS

BONUS: Pro-Builders who Purchase the same plan 10 or more times in one calendar year and receive their 11th license-use-fee FREE! (changes, PDF plans and blueprints extra, but Pro-Builder discounts still apply)

PRO-BUILDERS EXCLUSIVITY: RJHP will not purposefully sell the same plan/version you are using in a Subdivision/Phase to another builder building in the SAME Subdivision/Phase if you, the first builder plan to build the home multiple times within that subdivision. We use our best effort to not sell the same plan in the same subdivision to competing builders. The FIRST builder to order a plan to be placed in a subdivision will be the Exclusive User of that plan in that phase of the subdivision. If the first builder does not repeat the house in the subdivision after 9 months, the exclusivity is no longer in effect and we reserve the right to sell the plan to any builder.

SHARE THE PROFITS: Once you have earned your 50% discount on repeat uses, we allow you to charge your clients the same price for their plans that a First Time Use Fee would normally cost, so that you can keep your numbers the same from lot to lot. However, since you are paying only 50% of the use fee for all your repeated uses, we allow you to keep the 50% in your own pocket (by having a line item for plans that your client pays - the 100% use first time use fee) or you can use the 50% discount as some sort of “Builder Incentive” to help persuade a customer to buy your house over some other builder’s house (or to buy a house you’ve built before over some random new plan which will cost you more to build in the long run). Some builders throw in a free dishwasher, or refrigerator, we allow you to use the 50% savings however you wish, throw in 50% of the use fee for the plans as a “buyer’s incentive”. Depending on the size of the house, the discount could equal several hundred dollars!

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